Friday, October 4, 2013

Cyberbully Video Response

Some of the things that were surprising in Cyberbully was how Taylor's friends all turned their backs on Taylor. When Taylor starts talking to a kid named "James" online she tells him personal things. Later in the movie Taylor realizes James is a fake person. At the end of the movie Taylors friend Samantha confesses to creating the James account and starting rumors about Taylors. I didn't think a friend would do that to another friend but it goes to show everyone needs to make sure they are sharing information with someone they really know. The other thing that surprised me was how upset Taylor got over the rumors. She felt like her whole life should be over and she was useless. That made me realize you never know how much something you say or do can hurt someone else. Everyone should be helping the problem instead of creating it. I think that this movie was very powerful and makes an impact on a lot of kids lives.

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