Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Over my Thanksgiving break my family and I went to Florida for 5 days. It is a tradition that my whole dads side of the family goes to Florida to visite my grandparents and spend Thanksgiving together. Since my dads side of the family is Jewish we celebrate Hanukkah even though we are Chistian. I don't mind celebrating Hanukkah with my cousins because we exchange gifts.
The weather this year unforunitly was not very good. The first day was nice but the rest was 70s, cloudy and rainy. While we were there we did not go to Disney or anything we just hung around my grandparents house and played games with our cousins. I had a very good Thanksgiving with all my family, I am so thankful for everyone who is in my life. I am blessed I got to go to Florida with my family for the holidays.

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