Monday, September 30, 2013

10 Things Your Student Should Know About Their Digital Footprint

In this article I found out why keeping a clean digital footprint is so important. I learned that colleges look at your facebook, instagram, twitter and all of the websites you have an account in to find out what kind of person you are. I do not use my facebook very much, but when I do I make sure everything I say is clean and won't offend anyone else. the last thing I want is to post something on the edge of inapropriate then be turned down when I apply for a job. I understand that an online profile refects who I am. What others think of me is very important because I want a good reputation.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What I Think of Freshman Year

        So far freshman year hasn't been what I expected. I thought I would be able to see my friends and socialize more in between classes but you only have a couple minutes to go to your locker and go to the next class. Also, I feel like middle school did not prepare me for the homework at all. I have been spending at least 2 hours every night doing homework. It is really stressful but I am getting used to it. Although there are some struggles I am enjoying high school. During lunch I can sit with whoever I want. Another good thing is I can carry around my backpack so I don't have to carry all my books. I feel more mature now that I am in high school because they don't baby you. Once I get used to the teachers and workload I will like the high school more.